
mijin BOD

No node configuration required.
Easy and fastest blockchain implementation.

mijin BOD
mijin is provided as SaaS

Easily use the shared private blockchain mijin
with our affordable monthly subscription plans.

Shared private blockchain mijin

Shared private blockchain accessible only to limited users.
You can use our node-managed mijin with peace of mind, while maintaining the transparency and robustness of the blockchain.

Basic price (monthly)

  mijin BOD
Feature Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) type
For those who want to use our managed shared mijin environment easily
Monthly fees Licensing costs Basic fee: 30,000 yen/month
Including license fee, node usage fee, and 1,000 tx equivalent
Infrastructure costs
(Included in the basic fee)
Optional pricing Tx additional options
5,000tx equivalent / 10,000yen 20,000tx equivalent / 30,000yen 60,000tx equivalent / 50,000yen

※All prices exclude tax.
※A node is a computer that participates in the blockchain network and constitutes a P2P network.

Steps to use mijin BOD

Steps to use mijin BODSteps to use mijin BOD

Related Documents

Contact about mijin BOD

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